Update on Project Shiny

Posted on at 5:48 AM by Moobeat

Project shiny is a planned graphical over haul of league of legends announced in a PC Gamer article. This project has been in the works since September of last year and has flown quite under the radar ever since. Rumor has it that it will not be released until after Magma Chamber, the next 5v5 map, is implemented into the game. Tamat stopped by the forums today to give us a small update on the matter.

"We're almost there! Shiny has come a long way since the last time you saw it. Actually, in many ways the team went back to the drawing board to make Project Shiny really shine.

HA! See what I did there?

Seriously though, it's looking amazing and we can't wait to show you, but we're waiting until it's ready to show this time around."
- Tamat, Lead Community Manager, via the official forums.