Nerf Master Suck Town is back again and this time with something I completely approve of. Some of you may have had the
Miss Fortune ( DAMN I'M CLEVER ) of running into a
Vladimir stacking Hextech Revolvers. This fairly cheap build leaves Vlad with an unspeakable amount of health return when coupled with the normal healing on his Transfusion. Typically this results in team fights where
Vlad fails to die with initial burst then constantly heals ~200 HP every Q and becomes close to unmanagable. It isn't an abuse of game mechanics or anything, but is becoming so much of a pub stomper that Riot feels the need to address it.
"This is being dealt with, next patch I believe.
*Tightens latex gloves*
NMST is back, *****es! "

Lead Champion Designer, via the
official forums,
EDIT: Here is a little clarification on what the currently slated changes are.
"Current plan is to go Unique Passive on them, and add a selfish build path for AP casters. While nerfing it, might as well make something cool."
Lead Champion Designer, via the
official forums,