Patch Preview

Posted on at 12:51 AM by Moobeat
This weeks patch preview is up and it is a doozy! Lots of expected tweaks but what I really wasn't expecting Tenacity to hit the stage yet. The stat appears to be a solid addition to the game,  abolishing the feeling of being forced into buying Merc treads. Additionally, this also adds three healthy choices to the selection of mid range items and allows for more build variance. Do I get Cloak and Dagger and Zerk Greeves? Or should  I get Merc Treads and a Zeal?
( Screen Cap of the new items. Ignore the cost as it is just the combine cost, not the total cost )

If you are looking for a TLDR( or W? ) version, here is a list of the major changes mentioned.
- Added a new stat : Tenacity ( reduces CC effects ) -
- Three new Tenacity items -
- Nerfs to Shen, Nocturne, Karthus -
- Buffs to Gangplank -
- Nerfs to Sunfire Cape -
- Changes to Wit's End -