An Exclusive Viking Tryndamere To Ring Out Season One

Posted on at 9:34 PM by Moobeat
As announced on the official League of Legends site, Viking Tryndamere is an exclusive skin to celebrate the closing of season one and the festivities to be had at this year's Dreamhack. This exclusive skin can be obtained via either a code from a physical card that will be handed out at Dreamhack or by purchasing in the in game store on the 24th of June.

I have had a feeling Riot was going to create an exclusive skin to mark the end of season one and I'll be danged if it isn't one of the Tryndamere skins Morello told us to be on the look out for. Bravo!

Just a reminder, as the article states, the skin will only be available in the in-game store on June 24th, so make sure to purchase him then for 975 Riot Points.

"Skoll from the Northlands, summoners!

In commemoration of the Season One Championship at Dreamhack in Jönköping, Sweden, we’ve decided to issue a very special limited edition skin for everyone’s favorite Barbarian King. If you’re attending Dreamhack, be sure to stop by the Season One competition area to pillage a code redeemable for a Viking Tryndamere of your very own. 

If some foul winds prevent you from making it to Dreamhack this year, however, don’t despair! Lock up the women and children, because Viking Tryndamere will be sailing his long ship into our port Friday, the 24th of June, to establish a presence in the League of Legends Store. If you’d like to commemorate our first ever Season Championship, this very special Viking rendition of our Barbarian King can be yours for a modest tribute of 975 Riot Points.

So hoist a flagon of mead, roast a wild elk, and give a rallying shout for your comrades to come join you for the Season One Championship. And don’t forget to pick up Viking Tryndamere, either in person or on the 24th of June. He’s sure to bring out the Northman in you!"

- Moneypenny, Marketing Manager, via the official forums.