The Harrowing!

Posted on at 5:33 AM by Moobeat

 Riot has launched a trailer for this year's Harrowing event! Check out the trailer to catch a peak at Haunting Nocturne, Definitely Not Blitzcrank, Bewitching Nidalee, and FrankenTibbers Annie.

Which skins do you guys plan on picking up? Personally,  I'm thinking Nidalee and Annie for this ole' Beat. Here are some screen caps below to help you decide.

 Expect the Harrowing / Graves patch to hit October 19th!

edit: The patch has been posted and here are the prices!

Haunting Nocturne and Definitely Not Blitzcrank are 520 RP.
Bewitching Nidalee and  FrankenTibbers Annie are 975 RP.