- Attack Range Increased
- Sivir's W is now an on next hit effect instead of a Toggle
- Passive Changes to Bonus Movespeed when attacking an Enemy Champion
Jungle Remake
- Rewards lowered but scale better into late game.
- All Camps easier ( rewards scaling ).
- The small jungle camps now respawn much quicker.
- New Healing "buff" on Wolves / Golems camp.
- Minions deal less damage to Players
- Health restored from health potions lowered.
- Red Lizard Buff slow nerfed for melee champions.
Pretty interested to see how this jungle remake pans out. This is potentially a massive change to game dynamics and team compositions. I hope farm heavy champions, such as Master Yi, Nasus, or Irelia, can shift into viable picks with the increased respawn, and thus gold income, timers. I feel like I am still behind on working out the kinks of the mastery changes for my jungling champions after last patch, so this is going to give me a whole new set of things to mess with.
Side note: I tweeted away the first of my Riot Nasus skins earlier! I haven't heard anything from anyone, so it might still be there - I'm not very popular! I have three more I'll run a little contest for later.