Check out his champion spotlight below for some laser beam filled action!
In the event you might be having a hard time deciding just which Viktor skin you are wanting to pick up, youtuber T0mT4yl0r has got you covered with some juicy videos showcasing just how this skins pop. Personally, I'm thinking Full Machine Viktor as a late holiday present to myself.
Along with Viktor and his skins, two new skins have become available for purchase.
The ice cold duo of Arctic Warfare Caitlyn and Arctic Ops Kennen are now available for 975 Riot Points each. While this isn't a new skin for Caitlyn, this is will be the first time summoners will be able to unlock her since she debuted as a promotional skin for PC Gamer a few months back.
Make sure you don't forget about the other skins that were covertly made visible a few days ago! While we already have Arctic Ops Kennen, Superb Villain Veigar, Sandstorm Katarina, and Rocketeer Tristana will surely be hitting the store sometime in the near future. Check out some screen shots and videos of them below!
P.S Tamat kept true to his word and posted celebratory dance video, by the Riot staff, in honor of Viktor's release. Oh, they got the moves alright.