Pulsefire Ezreal.

Posted on at 12:48 PM by Moobeat

 Pulsefire Ezreal has been officially announced and, boy howdy, did Riot out do themselves.


So lets go over the list of what this new legendary skin will offer you :
  • New Voice Overs.
  • New Animations.
  • New Dance/Joke/Taunt.
  • New Spell effects for every spell.
  • New Appearance at levels 6, 11, and 16.
  • New Fly Animation ( after level 16 ).
  • New kill animations for minions and champions.
  •  New Profile Banner and Summoner Icon upon purchase.

Sets the bar pretty high for future legendary skins doesn't it? I'm super glad Riot is adding the Profile banner and Summoner Icon.. hope we get some more soon!

The small bit of bad news about Pulsefire Ezreal is the cost... it's going to run you 3250 Riot Points ( around $25 ). Good thing Riot is going to puse him HALF OFF during the first four days after he is released!!

"To celebrate Pulsefire Ezreal’s landing in the League of Legends Store, we’ll be letting you take him home for less than the price of a Legendary Skin for the first four days after he’s released. You’ll be able to add Pulsefire Ezreal to your arsenal for 1625 RP – a full 50% off his base price. After the sale, he’ll return to his regular price of 3250 RP"

C'mon though, that's a steal for all the hard work and effort Riot has put into the skin.

What you ought to do now is head on over to the Pulsefire Armory, a mini site displaying the true potential of Pulsefire Ezreal. In the event you can't give that a looksie, check out these screen caps of the skin

New Appearance at different levels.

New Spell Effts ( picture is crap! sorry! )

Death animation for units killed by PFE

You can also check out a handsome "The Making of Pulsefire Ezreal", which answers a lot of questions and gives an in depth look at how this skin came to be.